Rosy Lovers

A family drama about a college student couple who unintentionally becomes parents and realize the true meaning of love and life. Jang Mi (Han Sun Hwa) is an immature mama’s girl who grew without experiencing any hardship in life. Unlike her parents’ will to marry her off to a promising man they choose for her, Jang Mi has the hope to marry someone she falls madly in love with. As she dates healthy and innocent engineering student Cha Dol (Lee Jang Woo), she slowly begins to realize the meaning of love & abandon her lover & her child. Fear of his own unknown background, young single father & jobless student, Cha Dol face tough & hardship to raise his one & only baby child by his own. How do Cha Dol struggle with this greatest challenge? Follow our site for this great series.

Cast : Lee Jang Woo, Han Sun Hwa, Han Ji Sang, Kim Min Seo, Phillip Choi, Yoon Ah Jung
Episodes : Ongoing
Category: Korean Drama
Genres : Romance, Family
Type : TV Series

Release : 2014
Status : Ongoing
Author Rate : ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

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